I won’t be getting the funds to upgrade anytime soon, but I am interested in buying a section of the Aluminum Grid Table for the Original Snapmaker. Will it be available anytime soon?
I ask, because I’ve been engraving 3x5" cards with my 200mW Original laser module, and have started to notice the bed discolouring from where it’s been burning the paper.
I have discolouration showing up after just one session, depending on how accurately I managed to focus the laser each time, so I’m concerned about it actually getting cut through.
I also have no prior experience with this sort of thing, nor any training, so I don’t know if this is normal, or whether it can be a problem or not.
Plus, if you’d actually paid any attention whatsoever to the new Snapmaker, that the name I used is the name they’ve given to the black grid you can put down under your material when cutting through it that helps diffuse the laser energy when it goes through the material.
It won’t actually cut the plate, 405nm won’t cut metal without a lot of energy and not well. I work with lasers and we typically either use 10600nm at 30W (hot and melty) or 266nm which will cut metal nicely but you’ll need 10W or more to really cut. I would suggest an anodised black aluminium heat sink underneath if you really wanted to.
These are adhesive so you can get a few and stick them down:
Make sure you use an enclosure or have this away from people when using.