A350 speaks to me

I’ve had my A350 for a little under 2 weeks now and it’s just the best toy I’ve ever had!!!

I’ve never done 3D printing, Laser cutting or engraving or CNC and from the very start I’ve been so impressed by the quality of well, everything. From the boxing and labelling to the user guide to printing stuff found on Thingiverse I’ve been amazed at the quality of it all. Some things could have been a bit clearer in the manual, but overall, it’s very good.

The big surprise was that it sings to me!! When printing or lasering it plays it’s own little squeaky tune and I love it. Today while it’s printing out a little baby jigsaw for my granddaughter I’m sitting here listening to it when suddenly I heard (what I thought was) my son calling Mu-uum. He doesn’t live here and hasn’t called round to see me, I checked my phone and hadn’t accidentally called him, but there it was again. After some investigation I found that it’s my lovely A350 and that some combination of movement of the axes makes that sound. So now, I seem to have been adopted by my amazing machine!! It doesn’t get better than that!


That’s how it starts…

That’s how it always starts…

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Just wait til it starts talking back to you and giving you attitude.



You’re okay until it starts asking to borrow the car so that it can go out on a date with the Ender 3 that lives down the road.


But … pssst… it calls me … come …give me … fillament… and more…

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