Has anyone had the time to do a materials list on the 10W laser for optimum settings? I am a newbie at this and would definitely appreciate the help in understanding what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen one for the 1.6W, but nothing for the 10W yet.
I spent several days running tests at different settings. The software is so messed up that it’s really hard to pin it down. All I can say is that if you start at 50% laser power and work up or down from there, it’s probably the only takeaway that I have.
You’re going to have to do tests until you’re blue in the face, so prepare a suitable piece of line art, a few centimeters square, or so, and blast away.
Plan your tests so that your failed, or less than optimal results, can still be used somehow. Most of them can be used, as long as your laser power doesn’t cremate your material. Even if it’s a bit light, well, you can use it for something, but not if it’s burnt badly.
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Thanks Beelzebub! Is there a laser program that you recommend other than Luban since it is so hard to work with?
Lightburn ( https://lightburnsoftware.com/ ) is the most frequently recommended alternative laser software for the Snapmaker. Just be aware that it isn’t free.
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