10W Laser Module Quick-Swap Plate and Calibration Target Model for Snapmaker Ray

Hello Makers!

We’ve received user feedback expressing the desire to use the 10W laser module with Snapmaker Ray. However, currently, there’s no corresponding quick-swap plate available to attach the toolhead bracket on Ray. Additionally, some users provided feedback about losing their calibration target and being unable to recover it.

To address this, our Product Team has designed a printable quick-swap plate that will assist you in integrating the 10W laser module with Ray. We have also designed a printable calibration target for users who have lost theirs.

Feel free to download the STL file, print it out, and follow the installation video to install it onto your toolhead bracket. Please note that two M4x8 screws are required for installation, and users need to prepare screws in advance.

Join in discussions, share your experiences, and seek assistance on our forum. Your voice matters more than you think, and we always appreciate your input. :heart:

STL File Downloading

10W Laser Module Quick-Swap Plate Model for Snapmaker Ray.STL (37.8 KB)

Calibration Target Model for Snapmaker Ray.STL (74.1 KB)

Installation Video


Has anyone connected up their 10W laser module to the Ray system ? It is something I am seriously considering as I am not getting the results I require from the 40W unit.

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I would like to know this, too. My results (so far) with the 40W are also not that satisfying like I had on the 2.0 with 10W.
The only thing we got so far is a manual how to install the module on the Ray. So maybe someone has done some testing etc.

is there a certain reason, why the calibration target model is 80x80 mm while the original calibration target is 60x60? Are there different cal. plates? And I don’t understand “for users who have lost theirs” - did I miss something? How am I supposed to use the model with a lost cal. target?

Maybe I just misunderstood or so, any clarification would be appreciated.