Yesterday i fired up my Snapmaker for the first time. I found a nice test print on Thingiverse and started printing it. The print came out very well, but in the print there was a part with one layer This was after 2.4 hours so stuck on the print board that i can’t get it off on a normal way.
I tested the following things:
Heat it up again in the printer, but this didn’t change anything
Heat it up with a hair dryer and it did get pretty hot, but the PLA was still freaking hard
I tried to scratch it, but i dont want to damage the cover plate
I tried a little bit of Aceton but i think it’s to old because even this didn’t do anything to the PLA
How do you guys think i can solve this? Love to hear how you are doing it? Because i hate to destroy my matt on the first try
You may print the same model again and stop after printing several layers. The PLA that stuck on the print sheet should be taken off with the new printing.
Or, you may heat up the nozzle to 200 degrees, then control the nozzle to clean the PLA. But be careful when doing this. Use a small movement when the nozzle is approaching the print sheet.
Thanks your replies. I will check it out! Using the nozzle feels scary, but still it’s a good tip. Gonna try to print something over it! Hope it will work!
I had a similar Problem with a slightly thicker PLA structure (approx 0.6 mm high) that didnt get off the bed.
What worked in the end for me was heating up the bed to 85° and lift off one of the Corners of the PLA with a sharpened spatula. After that i was able to peel it off slowly.