X-Y is not working after new firmware

Hi i’m new here. I have a snapmaker A350 and after updated the new firmware V1.14.3 the x and y is not working anymore. The Laser is working and the software is running but i can’t work with the control pannel to set the platform home or jog. When i put the power on, it won’t move. i checked the cables… i even reassembled the machine to check if everything is stil in position.
Hope there is someone who has the same problem and has a easy sollution… :-/


You can downgrade the firmware by loading an older version from a USB key, if I recall correctly.

If any of your Linear Modules stop working after upgrading to a newer version of firmware, it means 1 of 2 things, 1) that you have not assembled your Snapmaker correctly, or 2) one or more components are faulty. The newer versions add checks to ensure that the Snapmaker is assembled correctly, and that the modules are functioning properly. It will not allow you to use any parts where it finds a fault.

Downgrading will do nothing more than delay the inevitable, and if there is a faulty component, you most likely won’t discover it until your machine is out-of-warranty. If you can’t fix it yourself, contact Support.