X axis TB67S109AFTG/FNG turned out after upading to latest version

I am EE and I decided to open the X axis to see what’s hapenning and I found out that 3.3V and 5V was missing and the board was getting hot. After disconnecting the stepper motor board 3.3V and 5V came back and the board started to cool down. doing some masurments I found that the stepper motor IC went bad TB67S109AFTG/FNG. The stepper motor IC is too weak to drive a big motor with 24V power. They put thermal pad to disapate heat. Now I know the design is not robust. it looks nice. Where can I buy X axis drive? on snapmaker website they sell 5 of them together. I do not need 5. I just checked digikey has it very inexpensive

Any suggestion ?

If you contact Support, they can send/sell you the individual rails so you don’t have to buy the full set.

P.S. There are definitely a LOT of shortcomings in the engineering behind the Snapmaker design.