Work In Progress: rAy350

One of my biggest gripes about the A350’s laser functionality is it’s inability to work on considerably larger than the bed projects. I’ve had multiple projects where I wanted to try and laser cut something, but since it’s bigger than the bed, there’s no way that the project could fit to even be done in parts (without considerably complicated cutting of the project along split lines that could be hidden when gluing back together).

I recently finally purchased the 20mm lead screws, and, being left with 5 extra linear modules, have started on a project I’m calling the rAy350.

Similar to the Ray, but I’ve had the idea for quite some time that we could put the X between the Y rails, giving us a bit of a “core XY” setup, where the head moves around the print instead of slinging the bed.

This gives you the ability (especially with the laser) to work on much larger projects, since the machine can sit on top of your work piece instead of the work piece having to sit inside the bed area (or at least, between the Z rails).

I’ve now got a model finally worked out for real (no Z support yet), just gotta go through integration hell (main problem I predict is that my 3d printed quick swap mechanism might not be easy to make).

I’ll be able to hopefully post something soon, but for now…


Fascinating possibilities, keep us posted!!

Great, I’ll be following this project with interest.
Are you planning using the Snapmaker controller and modifying software or something else?

The current plan is to use the Snapmaker controller, I’m actually looking into just doing the wiring such that I can easily pull it off the A350 to move it to the rAy350. Hopefully this also reduces the fatigue of switching to laser requiring that I re-level the bed.

I also did such tests with older versions of linear modules and the Snapmaker controller but I got stuck because this controller expects homing in 3 axes before starting the project.
The Z-axis linear module must be connected anyway because information about the end sensors is sent via CAN :frowning:
But maybe you have a solution that would not require adding the Z-axis module?

I also made a controller/PCB according to the Ronin design - this one with GRBL and Lightburn support. It works very well but only with a 1600mW laser module. I tried to connect a 10W laser module to be able to cut thicker objects but it doesn’t work.

So I’m very curious about your idea because I’d be happy to do it too.

I seem to recall somebody successfully building that device using the Original to make it more rigid for CNC. It was years ago though. My google-fu is failing me, and it doesn’t appear that I bookmarked it :frowning:

It probably wouldn’t help you much though. The Original is a completely different beast than the 2.0.

Yea, I think I saw that too, someone was controlling the original with an Arduino or something.

Figured out a good quick swap mechanism, and I’ve got the “quick controller” down too. Tomorrow is going to be testing day if I get time.


I had a similar idea but my plan was to partially do the Ronin mod, then see if I can tell Lightburn there is no Z axis, just hand adjusted focus or see if I can find a simple manual screw z-height adjustment.