Why doesn't Luban save preferences?

By writing this post I feel like an idiot but I’ve always created new files for new objects and "save"ing the snapmaker file was more or less just something I do with ANY type of file I create. I’ve haven’t had to reload one in awhile.

Today I went to load a file that I had worked on yesterday to finish creating attributes for it. The only thing that reloaded was the actual object. I had rotated the object and resized it and of course I had started to created attributes for printing it ( a lithogram where many things are done differently than default or near to default settings.). NOTHING was saved except for the object which was no longer rotated, and resized.

Did I do something wrong? I don’t remember anything like this happening from years ago when I used to make multiple copies of one object and might load the snap file to add or subtract objects before generating the G-code.

This is weird. Why bother saving ANYTHING if it doesn’t save the way you last worked on it?

PS… I had a saved ‘Lithophane attributes file’ months ago but was making a few changes. Now I’m not even sure how (or IF) those saved because saving personal attribute files in Luban has always been awkward (and sometimes unreliable) in the past.

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Same problem here it’s a bug, and there’s another one, could You try for me? : if you add a custom support and save the project when you reopen the project custom supports are “merged” with the model becoming part of that in a single object mesh. So Bad Bug here!

I opened a ticket months ago and they said that the technical team has identified the bug and will work on it, but it is not priority in their schedule.
