Disclaimer: this is my first 3D printer, and while I’m learning a lot, I clearly still have lots to learn.
My out-of-the-box auto leveling was quite decent, but I’m fine tuning the leveling mesh as a learning exercise (and because I’m an incorrigible perfectionist). I’ve been using techingtech and Tone’s excellent resources. It was going quite well, and I’d gotten 3/5 of my test squares beautifully smooth… but the next time I booted up the machine, my center square was way off. Nozzle was way too close.
I started out with settings that gave me an excellent center square (3.638 for the center mesh coordinate). Every step of the way, as I adjusted the other coordinates, I logged the new mesh coordinates, and I1J1 never varied. Yet for some reason, it’s now giving a completely different result.
I didn’t change the bed, toolhead, filament, or… well… anything.
Am I expecting too much from the machine, and this variability is just expected behavior I need to work around whenever I print?
Any insight would be lovely. Thank you!