What fuse in 200 W CNC module for Artisan?

Hi there,

I wonder if anybody knows what fuse there is inside the 200 W CNC module? I keep on blowing and re-soldering it :slight_smile:
So I was thinking of replacing it with a standard mini fuse you have in e.g. cars or motorbikes.
As we have 24 Volt and 200 Watt, I would make a guess and say the fuse is 10 A?


Shouldn’t you try to figure out why you’re blowing the fuse? What are you cutting? Maybe you’re cutting too fast or too deep.

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I am trying to find out the limits for milling in things such as Aluminium. So there is no other way than pushing it to the limits :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’ve pushed it past its limits.