Upgraded Laser Module

This just basically reaffirms that Snapmaker is not taking the A150 into consideration when designing these add-ons, I mean there’s not even an official AT150 or F150 model so I don’t think they see a future with the A150 despite being an excellent little machine. The dual extruder nozzles are relatively close together so I don’t see it as volume issue, the A150 should be able to handle it, at least in theory. Whether or not it’s practical is another discussion, but at any rate the laser module has me scratching my head as I really could have used a more powerful laser in my setup. Buying a separate machine with a 10w laser is something I’m not keen on doing.

The size of the laser dot is listed at 0.05mm x 0.2mm. This would mean the dot is oblong. Does anyone know the size of the laser dot for the current 1.6w laser to compare?

If I recall correctly, Kickstarter backers were supposed to get additional discount on all accessories when they are released. Has anyone received a discount code for the laser? I contacted support yesterday but no response yet.

Snapmaker states it’s .2mm.

I haven’t received a backer discount for the 10W module. Just the same black friday discount that everyone gets. I asked about a backer discount in the kickstarter comments. We’ll see what they say (if anything).

I wouldn’t get my hopes up though. I couldn’t find an official promise on the kickstarter page about backer discounts for every new module released forever. If anyone can point out where that was officially stated, I’d love to know.

Here is the answer from Snapmaker’s web site:

Significant improvement on dot size!

Here’s the info from their site:

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Thanks. I reached out to SM support and they did say the 10w laser module will work on the A150 if you manually focus it.

@insomniac_designer so my question is exactly why they keep brushing the A150 under the rug, it’s like they no longer wish to stand behind the A150 and are hoping nobody notices.

My thoughts exactly. They don’t even have an official A150T or F150 on their store even though they sell the new linear modules for the A150 as well as the new power supply and printer module separately. I fully believe that if they ever make a Snapmaker 3.0 that the A150 form factor will not carry on. The A150 is definitely on the chopping block and seems to have no future which is a shame since the A150 is probably the best performing and least problematic machine out of the three models.

@insomniac_designer agreed. Personally I believe that once a company stops standing behind one of its products, while simultaneously claiming the opposite, that’s when a company is no longer trustworthy, cares about the customers, and will stop honoring their word and start becoming one that only cares about money.

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Can’t stop if you never started. How are those open source modules coming? Going to have all sorts of custom modules to use that the community can design?

My custom automatic CNC tool height setter. Solder paste dispensers. All of the items the developers teased at the annual makeathon.

An over the top point, but a point nonetheless

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@brent113 lol yeah I’m looking forward to seeing what that results in. Guaranteed they’ll make you buy a new version of the machine to unlock that ability. “Oh we honored our word, but realized it would be too difficult to implement for the current machines and is easier for you to just give us more money for a new machine with no differences whatsoever other than the firmware allowing it.”

Source: Bosacker /s (or is it?)

We bought DeLorean’s?

More like GM EV1’s. At least you can swap the engine in a Delorean.