Touchscreen: Z Offset finer control

Yes, it is, but 99.9 % of situations I do not need more.

  • I level the bed only once every few weeks if I change nozzle or make a big temp change (p.e from 50 ºC to 90 ºC. I follow the automatic Snapmaker procedure and I use the card to adjust z-offset in the last step.
  • When printing, if the z-offset is not adequate, I can see it in the first few lines of the print (sometimes I check in situ the degree of filament adhesion using the spatula or other tool at hand). In this is the case I stop the print, modify the z-offset in Cura, take out the residual filament from the bed, and I start again. This takes no more than 5 min and rarely requires more than 1 or 2 iterations. If the setup is fine, I can work for many days without any adjusment, until I change any of the things listed above. In Cura I usually modify z-offset by 0.03-0.05 mm but the effect of a 0.02 mm can be already noticeable.

Once you interiorize the procedure it becomes automatic and convenient and you do not feel something is lacking in your toolbox.

In any case, I support your original demand in this thread. In fact, I asked for it time ago, although nobody supported it or commented on the subject (please, realize the bitterness of the wounded ego).