Touchscreen: Z Offset finer control

Hi Snapmakers,
on the touchscreen the smallest value to control Z Offset is 0.05 mm - this is barely OK in my eyes. Sometimes I’d like to have finer control - would 0.025 or even 0.01 mm be a valid option?
Both for on the fly control and for bed levelling btw.
Take care!


Yep. Agree here. I’m used to 0.01mm with other printers. In general, there’s clearly still work to be done on the bed leveling control system. Depending on how flat you printer sheet is, 0.05mm might not be enough control. My first printer sheet for my A350 had more than 0.05mm of variation which resulted in either printing in the air or gouging the sheet. Replacement sheet is much better (thank you Snapmaker), but there is still variation. If we could get the bed leveling system fixed up & get some finer controls, it would be very helpful in getting that great first layer.

I’ve today done my first larger print, and my bed is a bit bumpy (like most), but not too bad. BUT with z-offset 0 it was just that bit too high in some places to have the print stick, while with z-offset -0.05 mm it was just that bit too low in some places that I got squished filament with its bad side effects.

So I’d like to push my point that a finer Z-offset control is really needed! With -0.025 offset my print most likely would have been without issues…

This thread is over 2 years old and nothing has changed. May we please get a smaller z-offset increment???

Even a .02mm increment option would be welcome.
At 0.0 it strings, but up .05 it doesn’t adhere.

A creality cr6-se at 1/5 the cost has .01mm increments and it makes a world of difference.

Please give us a smaller increment option!!!


Use Cura and apply whatever Z-offset you need. You need the Z-offset plugin from fieldOfView.

Hi @jabian - as far as I understand this is a one-time-GCode-addition, right? What I - and I suppose @Pointjockey - was looking for is the on-the-fly correction: Sometimes you just need something inbetween while tweaking things…

Yes, it is, but 99.9 % of situations I do not need more.

  • I level the bed only once every few weeks if I change nozzle or make a big temp change (p.e from 50 ºC to 90 ºC. I follow the automatic Snapmaker procedure and I use the card to adjust z-offset in the last step.
  • When printing, if the z-offset is not adequate, I can see it in the first few lines of the print (sometimes I check in situ the degree of filament adhesion using the spatula or other tool at hand). In this is the case I stop the print, modify the z-offset in Cura, take out the residual filament from the bed, and I start again. This takes no more than 5 min and rarely requires more than 1 or 2 iterations. If the setup is fine, I can work for many days without any adjusment, until I change any of the things listed above. In Cura I usually modify z-offset by 0.03-0.05 mm but the effect of a 0.02 mm can be already noticeable.

Once you interiorize the procedure it becomes automatic and convenient and you do not feel something is lacking in your toolbox.

In any case, I support your original demand in this thread. In fact, I asked for it time ago, although nobody supported it or commented on the subject (please, realize the bitterness of the wounded ego).

English below
------------------------- German----------------------

So wie es aussieht interessiert Snapmaker nicht die wünsche der User.
War aber auch nicht anders zu erwarten, anstatt Sie den SM 2.0 von den kinderkrankeheiten befreien und verbessern bringen Sie einfach einen neuen Drucker raus obwohl der vorige noch nicht einmal richtig funktioniert.
Insbesonder das mangelhafte bedleveling.
Ich bereue den Tag als ich für extrem viel geld das Produkt gekauft habe, aber da ich es jetzt habe muß man anscheint es selber verbessern.

Gibt es eigentlich schon einen Custom Firmware?

------------------------- English----------------------

As it looks, Snapmaker is not interested in the wishes of the users.
But it was to be expected, instead of freeing the SM 2.0 from the children’s diseases and improving it, they simply bring out a new printer although the previous one does not even work properly.
Especially the poor bedleveling.
I rue the day I bought the product for a lot of money, but now that I have it, it seems you have to improve it yourself.

Is there actually a custom firmware yet?

Yes, there exist custom firmware solutions - I know that @brent113 has created one for laser, and I seem to understand that @Skreelink did one for full Lightburn control - see here: Full Lightburn Control Guide - I seem to remember that there were forum posts explaining how to make your own.

That said, I fail to agree with @Matrixx200x - yes, SM 2 is not a perfect machine (if you browse this forum you’ll find quite a bit of criticism also from me), and yes, Snapmaker is not the best at understanding user’s needs, but many people (incl. me) use the machine successfully and with great results, so I’d say it works properly. You can always improve a machine, in that sense it will never be finished. And it is absolutely legitimate IMHO to bring out a new machine - that’s innovation, and I appreciate it, although I will neither buy Artisan nor J1. Only thing I might agree: It is a lot of money, and you can argue that SM2 is too expensive for what it delivers. I’m at least happy to have gotten mine at Kickstarter price.