The latest version of A350 machine - silent module experience sharing

@Artezio This may also be the defect of stepping motor! The noise is that the printing moving speed is 80s / m, so the resonance generated by the y-axis module.

@MyWu by their very nature stepper motors are noisier at slower speeds but lose their torque at higher speeds.

@MyWu I have a question for you. How was the packaging for your A350T? I was supposed to receive mine today in Japan but the box I received is marked for A350. And the papers that came with it all say A350.

You can tell by the linear rails… they’re marked with the pitches (20mm/s and 8mm/s).

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They are marked with the lead, not the pitch.


@Mads0100 @eh9 thank you for confirming. Then yes I did receive the T model. I wish they had some part numbers marked to make distinction a bit easier. This is my first snapmaker so I had nothing to reference besides a few pictures online. And of course that’s not really helpful when the design is identical externally.