Strange outerlayer(not always

See picture, i think its mechanical since its only one way, both sides of the print printspeed is max 45mm/s

Any ideas?

Is that corner your Z seam? What layer height are you printing? It could be a retraction issue, but I don’t usually see retraction issues when printing at 45mm/s.

Some people have reported that their feed gear can get some powdered filament in the teeth, which causes it to slip at higher feed rates (and the default retraction speed is [I believe] 60 mm/s).

Z, is the witdh of the ``window’’ where the last layer just extends until the next corner, afterthat its ok again. I have to add thst i had to increase the feed rate to 115 to make the abs stick. Also add pictures for settings

I 1st guessed this could be a slicer issue, does the object look normal in preview?
I would try to reduce retract distance first, set it to 1mm @ 45mm/s.

Did you calibrate your machine well?
Maybe this helps :slight_smile: Summary: Extruder calibration a must

Now busy on a 40 hour print, because the misprint is kind of easy to fix with some abs goo, but will try this calibration thing. But what if i get layer seperation again after this calibration?

I think this may be an ABS related problem.
I don’t have any experience with ABS but I know it’s a pain to print.
Maybe someone who does can chime in.
Retraction seems high for what most people prefer, but again, I don’t know abs.
Do you have an enclosure?
Can’t tell much from your pictures and not sure what section you’re referring to. We don’t know what it’s supposed to look like or what orientation you’re printing them in. What are your temp settings?
If you share the stl it helps.


Your posted picture is no layer separation, it’s simply not finished layers.

Preview in your Slicer software like Luban.

True, because i increased flow rate with 15%

This is what i had at 100%. Flow rate. In an hour i will be home and answere the other questions you guys asked. Thanx thibking with me though

Layers go vertically from bottom to top. Unless that was printed horizontally to what’s shown that’s not ‘layer separation’ as it’s called. That is instead severe underextrusion to the point adjacent filaments are not touching each other, likely from not having calibrated esteps as the factory comes significantly out of calibration on the low side.

Raising flow to compensate for that is a dirty hack as the machine is fundamentally dispensing the wrong amount of filament when commanded.

Ok, so you suggest to set flowrate to 100% and do this calibration? And it should be good?

In order, esteps, then flow. is a good resource. I documented my process here: Snapmaker 2.0 Initial Calibration Settings / Experiences

As so many tell me to do this, i aborted my print and Doing this calibration now, will let you guys know the outcome soon enough :slight_smile:

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That might be because of my shitty photograph skills, but it was not as it was supposed to be like.

Layer seperation i called it, but i got told it was only under extrusion, which makes sence as i did increase flow rate and it was gone.

Abborted my print, did the calibration (as pretty much all of you told me to do)
had to change 212.21 to 258. 79 and have to say now it sounds so much better. (also greased all the axes arm)

But at 100% flow rate this never worked this well. Tomorrow i can tell you guys what the results are and make the picture while printing :slight_smile:

Hope it’s fixed now :crossed_fingers:t2:

Ok ok, the first problem i had is a bit better now,
Only now the print is warping, and takes the whole magnetic printbed with it. Atleast i know the bed adhesion is good
So i put some clips on it…
Have to say i did not see this before, the whole plate is bending :man_shrugging:

lol, thats good you got a good firm attachment to the sheet

have to keep the temperature hot and stable if you want any chance at getting it that to print, but i am impressed at the adhesion nevertheless

  1. 250 C
  2. 45mm/s
  3. All fans are off
  4. start off at 100 C and after first layer 95C
  5. pla was fine, but used to print with ABS on my old printer.
  6. tried PETG, got it out - OK but nowhere near good enough that i need this print to be at.
  7. yes i got the official snapmaker enclosure and put my bathrobe around it to keep it nice and warm
  8. as seen on the picture, the abs bends/ lifts up the magnetic build plate.abs sticks very well to the build plate. after every 2 prints i clean the bed with warm water, dry the build plate put back and heat to 80C then use isopropanol. dont think it is an adhesion issue?

if you go to the first topic post, then scroll down true all the comments and answeres you would have had all this info @WilliamBosacker

thanx @MooseJuice! but this happenend after esteps calib. i can try again. maybe i measured wrong? :frowning:

Not to be rude but, your answers where not posted before. Can´t see your print or bed temperature above.

I use clamps since the first time printing because of rocking off the build sheet from the bed.