I have updated to the latest firmware and noticed that when you are printing dual color and turn off 1 extruder (so it won’t stay on all the time while the other one is printing). The printer kinda gets stuck and failes to keep printing and just jump over a few lines creating holes… its like a layer shift but its not one, is skips a few lines and then continues.
Did not had this in previous firmware version so I think its a bug…
Yup, this is a bug. The screen reads ahead through the gcode to hold a buffer. When you tap to stop an extruder it drops the buffer then does the stop (I assume so that the stop happens right away, rather than in a second or so when the buffer is consumed)
That has the effect of the remaining extruder skipping forward a bit in the gcode, which can cause entire print jobs to fail
Hoping it’s a bug too. Had this problem twice trying to do a large 20 hr print. First time changing the z-offset during the first layer, then when I tried changing the nozzle temp on the 2nd attempt. At the time it felt like the printer didn’t have enough internal memory to handle the changes. Do you know if the J1 has power loss recovery? I’m wondering if it does and that is eating up the memory as well.