Snapmaker Luban Downloads and Updates

Dec. 23: v3.13.0 (Pre-release)

Snapmaker Luban v3.13.0 version, changelog:

  • Feature: Add STL and image processing for Rotary Module (feature is hidden for v3.13.X, please stay tunned for v3.14.x) (#601, #602, #603, #611, #612, #625, #626, #628, #638, #646, #654, #655, #656)
  • Feature: Be able to add manual support for 3D model (#610, #624, #629, #639, #643, #650)
  • Feature: Add reset button in “Settings” to reset all user settings to default (#585, #619, #637, #648)
  • Feature: Add a configuration manager for 3DP material and print configurations (#613, #622, #641)
  • Improvement: Distinguish 2 usages of SVG image (regarded as vector / image) (#588)
  • Improvement: Add arrow key bindings (Up, Down, Left, Right) for moving models conviniently (#604, #627, #645, #647)
  • Improvement: Do not popup window asking for save when no model in current project (#615)
  • Improvement: Quit application when all windows closed (macOS) (#595)
  • Fix: Fix wrong state of Generate G-code button (#580)
  • Fix: Remove G-code preview in new project (#608, #621)
  • Fix: Limit 3D model minimum scale ratio (>= 1%) (#586, #596, #623, #649)
  • Fix: Fix a DXF parser bug that cause parse to fail (#630)
  • Fix: Fix modify of material thickness for Laser does not work (#587, #600)
  • Copywriting and other minor fixes (#631, #634, #642, #644, #653, #658)

Snapmaker Luban for macOS

Snapmaker Luban for Windows 64-bit

Snapmaker Luban for Windows 32-bit

For Linux versions, please refer to our Github releases page to download.


In the next minor version (v3.14.0), we will bring in the rotary module feature publicly. Then, we will slower the pace of minor releases, for easier management, more tests to ensure the stability of software.

Pre-releases will be published in the forum as usual, but only stable versions are seen in the website download page.