Snapmaker and Lightburn

Well i am frustrated for sure. Been working on my Snapmaker 2.0 for over a month trying to get it working. I like the machine, like Lightburn very much. Love to get it working with lightburn rather than Luban. But i just can’t seem to get the right answers to get it to work with Lightburn.
I watch The Louisiana Hobby Guy a lot and he realy shows what you can do with light burn. I haven’t see him show any thang about useing a Snapmaker thought. Nice guy.
So if anyone can stear me to a good place to show how to setup a Snapmaker 2.0 i would appreciate the the help. Snapmaker has no intrest in helping, understandable.
Hoping for help.
Roy PS I am useing a 40 watt laser, windows 10,

I would suggest to read @Skreelink s guide:

Note: The modded firmware is not needed anymore cause of new functional firmware release from snapmaker.

Didn’t use lightburn yet…