Thank you so much for this! Just got a new RPi for running octoprint to monitor my snapmaker! You even get more functionality than through the little tablet which is great!
Hello, I’m connected with ssh to the octoprint on my pi3 and I want to edit the config.yaml but I don’t know where to find this file and if I can edit it with nano editor ? Can you help me with that please ?
I’ve used Custom Control Editor Plugin for now… Haven’t got sliders at the moment but I can control Fan and Leds with 0, 50 and 100 buttons ! That’s a beginning…
If you want to use octoprint to monitor the job then send the job to octoprint. Octoprint won’t be able to monitor jobs sent via Luban to the snapmaker main controller.
Octoprint also allows you to tweak marlin settings directly via the console from another computer as it is plugged directly to the USB serial port something you cannot do connectedto the SM in Luban via wi-fi.