Snapmaker 2 A350 Working Surface

While possible, it’s unlikely. The v1 has an option for an increased vertical axis, but nothing in the x or y. With the design of the machine, extending the X & Y requires you replace everything but the controller and Z axis, so its pretty much a new machine entirely. They could offer an A450 in the future, but it’s unlikely that you’d be able to upgrade an A350 to A450 economically.

It’s also likely that you wouldn’t be happy with print times on that kind of volume. Snapmaker doesn’t recommend exceeding 100 mm/s print speed, so anything you’d print that would take up the current A350 is going to take days.

I have printed several project that are larger than the bed of my v1 (125mm x 125mm), like my build plate dust cover. I was able to find locations that I could break a model up into smaller parts, then reassemble after printing. Obviously that doesn’t work for everything, and does require some extra work, but it can work for a lot of projects.

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