Snapmaker 2.0 Upgrade

This is a best-case assumption, that the acceleration is as high as the v1 module. It may not be. This is a kinematic analysis that doesn’t take into account dynamics, particularly the available power in the stepper and the principal loads, namely, the mass of the work head and the moment of inertia of the lead screw. It’s entirely possible that that the v1 module is not power-limited in acceleration but that the v2 module is.

In addition, there’s less current available to the stepper in the new chip. This might be a second source of power limitation.

How are owners of the A350 getting the 50% off the upgrade components?

Yes, and even with a conservative best-case assumption I think it shows the real world benefit is expected to be minimal.

The 50% should also be available on the F350 (For current kickstarter A350 owners).
That way you will get a full A350T setup and still have a ‘old’(, loud, slow ) 3D print only working machine. No waste.

yeah… I wish the 50% can be use on the entire machine instead of components. I would love to upgrade my A250 to a A350T.

Did they send out a 50% coupon via mail?
I’ve not receive one so far :frowning:
Maybe it’s only for Backers of the Original & SM2.0?

@Tczerny Read the last section of the first post in this thread.

So when they list the lead screw specs as 8mm or 20mm:

Is that referring to the diameter or the pitch? Just want to verify.


In this case it’s the axial advance, and since it’s a 4 start the pitch is 5mm for a 20mm lead

And the diameter hasn’t changed? Or do we even know that?


I don’t recall ever seeing anything regarding the diameter of the leads.