I’m having an issue I haven’t read others having where when I disconnect the tool head in the SN enclosure the LED strip shuts off. The controller still shows it as on.
When I reinstall the tool head cable I still have no ability to turn on the light. This does not restore itself until power is cycled off and on.
Then if I’m in the setup or calibration mode when I return I have no ability to turn on the lights until everything is completed.
When the Heartbeat of the toolhead cuts out, the controller goes into an emergency state i think.
Voltage spikes could kill components.
Correct, this has actually been discussed on another thread, and I think that some special custom firmware was made to change this behaviour
Read the DETAILS of the comments on the threads in their entirety before doing this though, as i dont 100% know what the change does. it may just change the light behaviour but still need the power off to change heads.
Firmware request: Tool Change Mode with enclosure lights left ON - Snapmaker 2.0 - Snapmaker: where creation happens
LOL based on the comments in that link they really do need to pay you
Thanks for the info and link guys! Definitely won’t be hotswapping heads anymore and will be following the Github too.