Snapmaker 2.0 A350

I just received my A350 snapmaker, the first time I used it to print PLA from the skirt stick onto the printing sheet, it very difficult to remove. What can I use to clean the PLA from the print sheet?

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Don’t use the black PLA that came in the snapmaker box! its bad

if you got some extra spools after the fact in a separate box they should be ok

definitely need to back out your Z axis a bit .05-.1, they dont tell you that in the book.

now that its stuck on there, alcohol can help, heating the bed and cooling it in a freezer supposedly can help, printing over it can help too,

try to avoid gouging the print sheet with the spatula (which is what i did).

if you are not using the tainted filament and have your z offset set ok you shouldnt have too many problems with removing prints from that point on.

Try to heat your bed to 60 or 70 c, pour some isopropyl alcohol on it, and rub with a cloth or plastic razor/scraper, its a lot of work but you’ll get it…

Thank you for the respnds. I tried alchol with 91% earlier but was not able to remove it. I don’t know if acetone will work.

do not use acetone! it is incompatible with the build sheet. it is also ineffective against PLA. Sciweld 4 can (supposidly) break down PLA, but you do not want to apply this to your build sheet either.

you will need to mechanically remove it, the alcohol can assist some, especially if the sheet is hot, but its all elbow grease.

try to print on top of the stuck material, that can help sometimes.