SM1 Laser (1600 mW) and working with Lightburn

A couple of images from Lightburn laser cutting burned into 2mm thick plywood - starting with some text samples. This a good thing to try because it leaves so little room for creative adjustment if the font is to be recognised and the sample read as text.

The next image is a female head cut from a .jpg file.

The final image was cut from the original .svg file and I increased the laser power and the module movement speed.

Variable power settings are still a bit of a hit and miss issue but I am making a power ramp to look at the settings and speeds specifically. My guess is that every maker ought to do something like that for their own situation, if they are to have any accuracy that is reproducible.

Of these images I like the last one best. Sharp and distinct showing me that the laser is in focus. I will make a test focus ramp as a well so that I can know exactly when the beam is in focus. Some techniques call for slightly a defocussed laser beam. You may not know that vector images are mathematical constructs and so the lines drawn will always be as thin as the laser beam can manage. If you need to draw thicker lines, you should produce them in a format like ‘.jpg’, which will not force the laser beam to its thinnest dimension.

That’s all for now… I am rather busy at home with a house decorating project.