Lightburn (via USB) will engrave but not cut

Weirdest thing- I’m outputting a file for USB transfer using Lightburn on my A350 and it works fine for engraving the image, but my layer with 100% power and 300 mm/sec (or really anything else) just… runs fast and engraves. I’ve tried both marlin and GRBL profiles, I’ve tried a file with only cutting a simple box, and no matter what it’s running fast and won’t slow down and cut.

Latest versions on everything. 10W laser. Sue to distance I am unable to direct connect and run the file locally on the SM2.

300mm/sec is faster than the Snapmaker can even move. :stuck_out_tongue: You’ll want to be working in mm/min. For reference, 300mm/sec is 18,000mm/min. Engraving is usually done below 6000mm/min. Post your Lightburn settings and an example gcode file.

Ugh, this is a rookie mistake… fixing and testing again!

Yep, not sure how or when I switched over and then I just… yeah. You’d think after 5 years of owning this I wouldn’t make this kind of mistake! Thank you, easy fix, and only me ego hurt.

At least it was a simple fix. :slight_smile: Much better than having to go through troubleshooting and the like.