Replies not working?

General forum question @moderators

I’ve used many Discourse forums, and even been a moderator. I notice on this one that, at least while using Firefox for Android, clicking Reply on a specific post within a thread very frequently does not apply the post as a reply properly. It simply posts it as a general reply to the thread without maintaining the continuity of the conversation.

It’s very strange as it looks like it will often appear it’s posting as a reply while I’m writing it (I see the “replying to”), but then drops the attribution/link when I post.

It doesn’t back-link to the comment I’m directly replying to. And possibly does not notify the poster of the direct reply?

Am I doing something wrong here? Or is Discourse possibly misconfigured or out of date?

Here are just two examples where I definitely tapped Reply on a specific comment and it looked like it was working, but no link formed:

I think this happens when you reply to the latest post or are the next post in the row, but not sure…
This replies to your first post in this topic.

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I am not so familiar with discourse forums, maybe there was a patch which contains a new bug?
Replied to your second post.

Again the first post, maybe the issue leads in the topic post?

I see. The feature where it automatically drops the link when replying to the last post would explain it. Thank you.

This must be an optional Discourse setting. This is the only forum where I see this behavior, and it’s as you describe.

Personally, I find it a little confusing since even when it’s the last post, it isn’t always obvious if the intention was a specific reply, or to the general conversation.

Might I humbly request an administrator consider changing this setting, to always show the intended reply? :face_holding_back_tears: I would suggest it can be helpful for interpreting the conversation.

I will have a look, do you know where to find the setting?

Sadly I do not! I worked a lot with an owner/administrator on another forum to tune settings, but we never had admin access ourselves. Only moderator.

I even dont see settings… But last update was 4 days ago.
@Zoe, may you have a look about, please?

Correction, here’s a discussion on Discourse forum about it with a suggestion of what setting to search for?

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Although to add a test, it does seem like adding additional replies then makes the initial reply appear after the fact!

(Though I still find the hidden reply context a little confusing, personally.)

Lets see if Zoe finds a way to improve the readability of discussions further :wink:

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