After my catastrophic print failure, I ended up having to replace the thermistor. Most everything that I found on Amazon came paired with a heater and so I figured that I would do both at the same time and save myself the pain of trying to clean all the plastic off of the heater element. They all looked the same, but there were those that were label as 12v ( what I purchased) and some as 24v. After I hooked the new ones up I found that while the thermistor work perfectly the heating element would heat up very quickly necessitating me to manually shut off the machine. After this happened with 2 of them I cleaned up the original element at everything went back to functioning normally.
My questions are as follows:
- What are the specs of the heating element? Is it a 12v or 24v?
- Is the difference in the expected voltage what caused it to heat so rapidly?
- What type of connector is used to connect the heater to the board? I think that they are known as JST connections.