He is saying that they redesigned the PSU entirely, not just swapped the fan out.
Quieter fan and different lights.
Probably the same shell I would guess.
There are plenty of posts on the forum on the noisy fan and alternate suggestions. Its a very quick, cheap and easy fix. There is not much you can do wrong to break anything in the process of changing it, its very straight forward and simple.
As much as I have had issues with the machine, this is the least of the worries. Mountains are made of molehills on this particular topic.
@MooseJuice I’m not sure if I posted it here or not, but after I created this thread my PSU went boom. Horrible noise, I thought at first a limit switch in a rail went bad because it was really loud, but I had only turned on the machine, hadn’t even homed it, was an obvious failure somewhere. After immediate investigation within a second or two I found it was inside the PSU and immediately shut it off. After the event I tried turning it on, it came on but there was a weird noise (which I recorded and sent to support) in the PSU. I opened it up after I got the replacement, it turns out the intake fan had a catastrophic failure.
Visually the fan was sticking up crooked out of its housing, tried to spin it and no good. They’re the cheapest fans I’ve ever seen, took it off of the PSU and it fell apart in my hand.