Poking around in CAN Bus

Its been quite a while.
After getting shown how to unlock the Controller and add custom Firmware driectly without going throught Luban as a Upload preperation, i managed to add my custom M-Command which is able so send out CAN messages (just standart frames for now). Having the SN side “working” i needed something for it to controlle.
a ESP32 board and a couple Adressable LEDs later, i can send Data form my analyser to the ESPboard.
Next will be to get the SN2 to controlle them.

Canbus seen in ESPboard on the left, Data that has been sent from the Analyser on the right
ID for filtering, Data0 = LED, Data1= Red, Data2 = Green, Data3 = Blue, Data4 = Brightness
Brightness is changed on all LEDs when changed.

How its looking on the LEDs