Octolapse profile settings for Snapmaker 2?

Hello, fellow (Snap)Makers. Anyone have Octolapse setup and working well with Snapmaker 2? Care to you share your profile settings for it?

I bought a Raspberry Pi (8GB, unknowing the whole 32bit / 64bit issue with OctoPi). Anyhow, got the 64bit version of OctoPi / OctoPrint installed, and things are actually going pretty well. A nice cheap webcam I bought works right out of the box. I’m installing plugins, having fun. However, in order to get better time lapse results, I tried the vaunted OctoLapse plugin.

It seems to work, but with various printing issues. I’m thinking if I had a better Printer Profile I’d be ahead in the process of getting everything ironed out.

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There are a number of posts on the Octoprint forum about Snapmaker 2 support and they are worth a read.
I find Cura and Octoprint work great together. This is one that references Snapmakers official article but most of us don’t use thier Cura recommendations, They are way too slow.

I use both Octoprint and Octolapse, It’s my first timelapse, didn’t get the position right and bridging is rubbish but the timelaps options and ability to move the head out of the way are great.

My Octoprint settings are:
Print bed and build volumes


Hot end and Extruder

Octolapse profile attached. You need to follow the guidance and insert the relevant code into your Cura profile or what ever slicer you are using.
Snap_A350_Octolapse.json (3.2 KB)


Thank you so much! I will check this out asap.

That’s a great result on your time lapse!

Works great but don’t try it with TPU. All you get is a whole load of string pulled out of the model when the head moves to allow the snapshot to be taken. Deleted that one :grinning:

Hi @stewl

do you really use the automatic configuration for the slicer settings in Octolapse? The documentation says that only some slicers are supported, but Luban is not included. Or do you use Cura as a slicer?

Thank you very much for your help!

Many greetings


Hi Sepp

I have never used Luban. It’s slicer engine is a very old version of Cura. As such though I would expect Octolapse to work as the basic format will be the same.

Have you tried it?

Octolapse just needs to recognise layer changes and inserts the head moves there, set it up as if you were using Cura and see what happens.


Hi Stewart,

ok, thanks a lot, I’ll try this.