Need to purchase a new print bed

I had many calibrations go wrong and now the removable print bed is scuffed and has big gouges in it, is there a way to purchase another?

Hi, yes you are able to purchase a new print bed. Just contact our customer support at

Here is the prices list of the flexible print sheet(two sides sticker included):
A150: 12.99 USD
A250: 20.99 USD
A350: 36.99 USD

If you want buy one, please feel free to contact us.
Have a good day

Above was from snapmaker support Edwin, I replied seeking to purchase one without any response. although I do not think it is my responsibility to have to pay for a new one as the auto calibration on mine failed multiple times and tore up the heat bed. seems there is some major auto calibration issues and there has yet to be an official response from snapmaker on the forum that I have been able to find.


Change to glass bed wella Shockwave Brim 5mm wella Shockwave i based on acrylic so it can be washed away with warm water