Luban 100% Infill and Material Flow

After exclusively using the laser module on my Snapmaker A350 for quite a while i finally wanted to try 3D printing on it. Since i have a 2nd printer i am not completely new to 3D printing but i used Cura to generate the G-code for that one.

Since i had been using Cura previously, i tried to set “Infill” in Luban (Version 4.1.3) to 100% to print some solid parts and they turned out pretty bad (see picture). I then calibrated the extruder steps but still got the same results. Increasing the “Top Thickness” instead of setting “Infill” to 100% did finally yield good results, but i am still a little confused:
Is this how it is supposed to work in Luban?
I also tried increasing the “Bottom Thickness” but the preview shows a constant bootom thickness regardless of what value i set here.

While the print quality is acceptable now there is still slight overextrusion (my filament diameter might be ever so slitghtly too large) and i wanted to tune down the “Flow” setting to compensate for that. However i can not see any impact when tuning “Flow” down. I went as low as 50% but e.g. the top surfaces look the same and i dont know what else to do to fix this.

I tried searching the forum for these issues but could not find anything which might be just me using the wrong terms.

Best Regards

Since you already have experience with Cura, your best solution is likely to slice with it rather than Luban (Luban’s slicer code is really just an old version of Cura with some of the toggles hidden).

I agree with ElloryJaye, no reason to use Luban when you already have Cura experience. IIRC, there is a Cura plugin that adds the snapmaker custom metadata to the GCode, and enables print over wifi. (I have a v1, so I didn’t bother.)

Luban’s 100% does not appear to make a solid part. Once sliced, the layer slider still shows an infill grid. If I set infill to 100% in Cura, the layer slider shows that it just prints layers bottom to top with no infill mode.

Even so, that’s an amazingly bad print. It looks like the first few layers are fine, but everything else is just bad. I would imagine if you’re trying to do a completely solid print, you’ll need your Esteps and flow dialed in pretty precisely. I haven’t done that, but I’ve been having good luck using some of the alternate infill settings in Cura to get a pretty strong print that isn’t completely solid. Gyroid at 50% infill makes a pretty dense and strong part, while still having some voids that buffer against over-extrusion.

Thanks for the replies so far. Just searched for the mentioned Cura plugin and will try that tomorrow.

I was just not sure if setting infill in Luban to 100% caused similar issues for others (see picture in my initial post). When i set the top thickness really high instead with no other changes in my settings, then i get the result shown below. The mesh of the infill at 100% seems to be so dense that it causes massive overextrusion. Why changes of bottom thickness or material flow dont show any impact on my printing results is something i still have no clue about.

If i get the plugin to work tomorrow, then i will hopefully not have to worry about that anymore.