I’m still learning the ins and puts and could use some opinions. Does anyone know what might be causing the issues with this print. It’s a little pill bottle model off thingiverse. It comes off the raft pretty well I’d say nearly perfect adhesion there.
It looks like the first layer of the print is not adhering well enough to the raft. If the raft adheres well to the bed, you should be fine without using a raft and just using a skirt for priming. However, if you do want to continue using a raft, I would decrease the separation between the raft and the model.
As you said that you’re still learning, it would be worthwhile to do the full calibration gauntlet. https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html is a great site for it, just skip PID autotune, stepper motor current, and XYZ steps.
Looks like several things going on.
Underextrusion - calibrate e-steps
Too low of nozzle temp.
Also could be first layer too far from bed, but try the first two first.