Laser stuck in a loop

I have seen this problem referred to a few times on this board, but never found a solution, so I am starting a new thread hoping for some guidance.

Upon first time trying to use the laser print head, the machine goes through it’s obligatory first-time-used script for the laser, looking to do an auto-focus. It guides me through setting up material, setting the work origin, etc, and then draws the test lines with the laser. It then goes to process the image to find the best line, and gets stuck… forever… at:

There is nothing to do at this point except cycle the power on the machine.

Nowhere in this process am I able to switch screens to get to the main menu, settings, or anything else. There’s just an endless loop of try to focus, then hang.

I find that I can connect with Luban to the controller during this process, but there’s nothing in Luban that I can find to change settings. (One thing I do see is that the “connected” screen on the controller shows the laser toolhead and the camera are green.). As soon as I disconnect, the controller goes back to being stuck in the “processing” screen again.

Is there some gcode command that I can issue when Luban is connected that will turn off the autofocus feature and let me do a manual focus? Or just turn that “first tine used” mode off for the laser? There’s obviously a software flag that should be turned off once you go through the whole first-time auto-focus procedure, but I can never get there.

I hope to hear form somebody. Thanks in advance!

Have you tried running calibration with all lights off and letting just the light on the camera do it? Some people have reported having success this way.

What version of firmware are you using?
Might want to try re-installing it. (And possibly reverting to 1.9 (it’s the most stable) to see if it makes a difference)

I tried the camera-light-only with everything else darkened, but still hangs.

I will try backing off the firmware to 9. I’m running 10-something now. Is there a link to old firmware files?
