Laser Pause While Changing Power

I’ve been using this firmware for some time now, and it seems pretty stable.

Here it is if you want to try it out AT YOUR OWN RISK. (141.4 KB)

Known issues:

  • The controller reported laser power will read 0-255%. Haven’t fixed this yet, but it’s a visual glitch only.
  • The touchscreen cannot sent gcode fast enough - it needs to be run from Lightburn directly in buffered mode. Running from the touchscreen will result in some jerky motion with unexpected darkening in some spots. However, there is a communications issue that as of now that makes the Lightburn communications unstable - running from Luban seems to work acceptably though.

This firmware works best using Lightburn to generate native Marlin firmware (with the S parameter, not the P parameter).
Lightburn Device Config:

On average each inline gcode is 20 bytes, so at 115200 baud a maximum of 720 lines can be sent per second. You can figure out your maximum DPI from the max travel speed. Assuming a max travel speed of 30mm/s, that would be roughly 0.05mm per line of gcode to not saturate the serial bus, which is 500DPI. The default DPI of 254 is fine, and if you need a bit higher you can push it a bit.