Laser Goggles vs. Touchscreen colour scheme

Always loved that graphic. :wink:

Yeah, ā€œtransmittanceā€ values are pretty useless - they tell you more about how much you can see wearing them (how good of ā€˜sunglassesā€™ they are) than anything about the laser safety.

OD 1.19 isā€¦nothing. Most glasses you see targeted at actually helping are OD4 or above for the desired wavelengths.

And am I reading your further quote rightā€¦their supplier TESTED at the WRONG WAVELENGTH for this laser??

I just ordered a couple pair myself and went serious, from a real optical engineering supply house not risking my peepers on who-knows-where-from Amazon stuff even. Probably overkill, but went with an OD 6+ formula from 200-500nm. (And yes, I have the enclosure too, but I need to add a couple shields along the long bottom edge since it slightly overhangs the deskā€¦even if I canā€™t get hit I have a cat that might be tempted to chase the beam if it were to scatter out some.)

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