Laser Fill Problem

I am trying to burn the following:

The result I get is:

There is no smoke I can see. Am using the enclosure with the fan running. The material is taped down.

Any ideas why so much of the fill is spotty?

This is on paper? Assuming so because of the texture, but hard to tell.

Paper is notoriously difficult to darken evenly and is extremely sensitive to focus, material height, albedo, and much more.

If you slow down or increase power you likely will over darken elsewhere.

You may need to switch to dithered pattern rather than linear patterns

Switched to Dot Engraving and 100% power and got the 1st.
Made the power 50 and got the second.

Didn’t change anything and got the third.

Yea first one looks good. Nice. Or maybe the image is too small to tell otherwise.