Laser and engraving Tumbler settings

So I have the old laser (not the 10w) and was playing with engraving tumblers. I have tried almost every setting I can think of with little change.

I have started with 800 jog and 200-140 on speed. I’ve tried changing the horizontal fill lines to vertical (I think this is a Luban issue - bc it prints exactly the same). I’ve calibrated, recalibrated the height and actually tried a lot lower and a lot higher. Only thing I noticed was a lot lower wasn’t alot better. Really high you don’t notice any marks. I’ve tried adding a cut line around the item before engraving. I’ve gone from .2 to .05 for line width.

I did go back and put some basswood back on the bed and used the standard settings in Luban and lowered it about 2mm (it was 35) from where it calibrated on the cnc bed to get a good cut.

I’ve cleaned the markings with alcohol and fingernail polish removers and all of them are grey. I took a took and scratched the grey area and can get the stainless to come through that way.

The only thing I haven’t tried was cleaning the lens - but if it’s cutting the 1.5mm basswood should I need to?

I also tried a another tumbler that the coating was cracking thinking it may etch better. Same results. Any suggestions?

Ok just buffer it with a magic eraser - seems to be showing through now. (I swear I rubbed them clean) - is this pretty standard of what needs to be done?