The some of the keyboard shortcuts no longer work with the latest Luban and Firmware updates. I can PgUP and PgDwn to control the tool head height, but the arrow keys don’t work.
File Commands
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
New | Ctrl+N |
Open | Ctrl+O |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save As | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Import | Ctrl+I |
Export | Ctrl+E |
Main Commands
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Select | Left-click |
Multi-Select | Shift + Left-click |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Part Placement | Select part, left click and drag to transform |
Delete | Back / Delete |
Those are not the shortcuts I was referring too. The keyboard shortcuts below don’t work.
but…in that capture, it seems that the shorcuts are turned off? try clicking that switch at the left of the k in keyboard?
That’s because I took a screen shot from my desktop computer not attached to the machine. I have connected via both serial and wifi with the shortcut button toggled and it doesn’t work. Eitherway…The firmware or Luban updates has affected the snapmaker 2.0 jog commands. As I mentioned in the first post, the pgup and pgdwn button to jog the toolhead up and down still work. The arrow keys don’t work as they did in the past.