Is there a way to incorporate Luban features into orcaslicer?

I like orcaslicer and use it for both my printers, and generally hate Luban, but the one thing I don’t like about orcaslicer is the prime tower, orcaslicer’s prime tower is sub par to say the least, and I would like to incorporate the Luban prime tower. Are there any post processing scripts I can use or something similar?

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Both Luban and Orcaslicer are open source. Snapmaker even forked Orcaslicer and plan to keep it up to date. Luban’s prime tower likely comes from CuraEngine though, not Luban directly.

Modifying the prime tower post slicing seems like quite a bit of work, since it would affect every layer. It seems easier to generate the tower you want during slicing.


I rarely use a prime tower, but agree Orcaslicer lacks. When I do 2 material printing I use Simplify3d, good prime tower settings.

What specific features of the Prime Tower do you want to incorporate from Luban into Orca Slicer?

Agree with original suggestion. Cura/Luban style prime towers and parameters just make more sense for a multi toolhead printer.

Specifically, something that just lets you run a few circular perimeters of a given length and wall thickness to catch any blobs and equalize head pressure.

The ones I’ve seen for the Prusa XL also kind of make sense. The cone shape with some rectangle, I guess for rigidity. That’s a nice add to ensure tall towers don’t snap off if they’re very tall, but without wasting much filament.

Basically, it’s a slightly different need on a multi tool printer versus one that has a filament changer and single head.

Multi tool printers don’t need a bunch of zigzag purging, so defining flushing volumes with complex patterns is strange and confusing. Quick, sweeping paths make more sense.

Also, ensure that one tool only prints on itself for priming in case of dissimilar materials for idex, etc.

One gotcha with Cura (and I would guess Luban) was that it didn’t always print the prime on layers of the secondary tool where it wasn’t used. This could result in priming into free space inside the tower. I think this was very recently fixed after many years of discussion of the bug. I’d have to find the bug report though.

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I mainly use prusaslicer for multi color prints because of that reason. I also like how you can set the cone Apex. Cura is fine but I don’t like how finicky it can be, and for someone who mainly prints from step files, it’s a deal breaker. But cura is the only third party slicer I have been able to connect to the printer like Luban, and generate proper thumbnails

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Yeah. Really the Prusa cone might make the most sense. Either an apex angle, or the upper and lower diameters.

You kinda wanna minimize material with an IDEX prime tower, extruding only enough to stabilize flow. But you do also need to ensure it’s structurally sound.

I’ve so far always gotten away with pretty skinny cylinders in Cura, but it made me nervous. :sweat_smile: