Is there a way to get the IDEX J1s with upgraded/NEW hot ends? Yes now!

We’ve heard your requests for the J1s with the new all-metal hardened steel hot ends, and it’s now available! Check it out:

If you are interested in getting your first or even a 2nd, a 3rd IDEX 3D printer, take advantage of the Sunshine Super Sales! I just checked the latest price from the Aurora Tech website:

Additionally, there’s another great offer for EU users: we have a limited number of Snapmaker J1 units (not J1s) available at our Europe warehouse, offered at an unprecedented clearance price. These machines are new and include standard warranty service.

Interested? Email us at for pricing details. Include your shipping country in your email to expedite order processing. Act quickly before it’s gone!

Please note, this limited offer does not allow refunds for price differences on prior orders.

EU Store: Eligible users are from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, or Sweden.

How do I know if mine has the new hot ends or not?
I also purchased the hardened hot ends, are they good for all filaments. I have another printer where they advised against using their higher temp all metal hotends with lower temp filaments, so that’s why I’m asking. Of course these aren’t called high-temp, just hardened steel, most likely for use with CF or GF filaments?

You can learn about the difference between all hotends here: Hot Ends for Snapmaker J1/J1s - Snapmaker US