I’m dealing with a really odd issue. When I calibrate, some spots are more off than others. In the center, it’s perfect, but on one of the corners it’s too low and another it’s too high. And I’m using the 25-point auto calibration.
Is there a way to enable that more tedious method where you measure out the height of each point manually?
Take a look also at the Marlin bed levelling commands. You can enter these in the Luban console (or any program that can open a TTY to the Snapmaker over USB) to do things like view the mesh points, modify individual grid points, etc. It’s often a lot faster than redoing the entire calibration - you can use gcode to move to a known-problematic mesh point, stick shims under the nozzle to determine how far off it is, and use gcode to set it to the proper value.