How to maintain the snapmaker in perfect condition?

Have you ever wondered what makes the Snapmaker 2.0 machines dust-proof? Do you know how well the linear modules protect your Snapmaker? To answer these questions, we conducted an ultimate test on the machine during the pilot production. Let’s check it out.

  • Test Time: Over 50 hours
  • Carving Material: 150 x 150 x 30 mm³ Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF)
  • Tool: 2.5mm flat end mill
  • Stepdown: 0.1mm
  • Test Process: Stimulate heavy workload scenario. Test the dust-proof performance of the X, Y, Z linear modules. Disassemble the module and evaluate the dust accumulation and distribution on the main parts inside it: groove, lead screw, circuit board on the motor, guide rail, slider, and the interior wall of the module.
  • Test Result: There’s almost no dust inside the linear module.

The tightness of the steel strip can greatly affect the dust-proof performance of the linear module. We have conducted many dust-resistant tests with different degrees of tightness of the steel strips. And we found the optimal tightness to achieve the best dust-proof performance. We have also conducted this test on more materials (POM and Beech Wood) to ensure that steel strip can protect the main parts from dust and dirt in most scenarios.