How to change individual z settings


I manually calibrated my bed and everything was fine until I came to do a large print. Doing a test print I noticed that the Z height settings are off for the row closest to the front of the printer - J0 / I0-I6

Does anyone know the console command to alter those points individually?


Verify the mesh coordinate by moving the head to it using G42 Ixx Jyy

Then modify the mesh value location at coordinate I, J by adding the offset Q using M421 Ixx Jyy Qzz.

Test, and when you’re happy, save to EEPROM with M500.

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Thanks for this. Really appreciate the assist.


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Good to know. I just was doing this after a manual calibration of a glass bed (went okay, some caveats I may document regarding the mounting method). I skimmed the Marlin gcode list and was using G29 to write the point for a bilinear mesh, instead of M421.

But G42 was the command I missed in my skimming: that would have sped things up a bit :slight_smile:

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