How do I swap material for one extruder mid print?

I have a print made of mostly blue PLA, with a transparent TPU grip(green for the sake of the image), and a logo on the bottom in white PLA. The logo stops at layer 3, and the TPU grip starts at layer 5.
I want to have a pause at layer 4 so I can swap from PLA to TPU on T0, and have TPU settings for T0 past layer 4. is there an easy way to do this?

I use orca slicer BTW

I’m not using orca frequently so only guessing.

It is possible to cut the model at your desired height, so you could select another filament.
For filamentchange there should be a gcode section which should have M600 inserted.
Then the machine should do it’s filament change routine at this point.

M600 (Modified) - Pause the Printing Job


  • Actively pause the job to perform operations such as filament change.



Alternatively you could insert the M600 manually into your gcode by editing the “text-file” before printing.

Yes. I don’t use Orca specifically to know how to do it there.

But you want to add an M600 filament change command at the specific layer it’s needed.

I think if you right click on the vertical layer selection preview slider when the correct layer is chosen there might be an option to add a command? At least I think that’s how it is in Prusa slicer. :thinking:

The “change filament” option is greyed out. And If I manually add M600 T0 I think it would just change toolheads(correct me if I’m wrong). Either way. I wouldn’t have any filament to select since the profile only allows for two material options

M600 is not a tool swap command. It triggers a pause for a filament change by the user.

When triggered the printer saves state then parks, with the adjust menu active so you can unload and reload filament.