Has anyone tried kiri:moto?


I just stumbled on this:

Has anyone ever tried this? It’s a fully browser based 3D slicer/CAM toolpath generator/Laser path generator. Haven’t tested it yet myself, but it might be a valid alternative software i some cases.
Although I think for now I’ll stick to PrusaSlicer &Fusion360 for my laser & cnc needs for now.

I’m using OnShape for my CAD and just found Kiri:Moto. Looking for machine Setup file now…

Still need to try it.
I was trying to remember what it was called the other night.
Bookmarked it so I won’t have to remember now.

I too would like to know how to change the header and footer information for the g-code generation. I was able to get the CNC to work with the slicer output, but I had to delete a line or 2 at the beginning and the last line. I lost my notes and keri:moto/onshape didn’t save my settings for some reason. I would like to know how to get the slicer to work with the printer. Once I finish with the PLA project, I’ll try to resurrect the CNC information to share.

I found this link with some useful information both in the text and in the graphics that make setup unique for each bed size.

3D Print Settings Cura

Their suggested header information was missing the wait commands for temp so I added to the end.

M190 S70 ; wait for bed to reach target temp 70
M109 S200 ; wait for extruder to reach target temp 200