Gaps in certain spots

So that means for a 0.4mm nozzle:

  • layer height <= 0.32 (80% of nozzle dia)
  • line width >= 0.48mm (120% of nozzle dia)
  • wall/shell thickness >= 0.8mm (>= 0.48mm, multiple of nozzle dia)

I guess we can assume the Snapmaker can handle all these numbers, shipping as it does with the 0.4mm nozzle.

How about a 0.2mm nozzle?

  • layer height <= 0.16mm
  • line width >= 0.24mm
  • wall/shell thickness >= 0.4mm (>= 0.24mm, multiple of nozzle dia)

I have in my notes that the Snapmaker has a minimum layer height of 0.05mm, and the stepper motors move 0.04mm per step, so that possible layer heights for the 0.4mm nozzle are 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.20, 0.24, 0.28, and 0.32mm. So I guess the limits I am after are those layer heights, and the 120%-of-nozzle-diameter line width.

To sum up:

Layer height

  • multiple of stepper motor step (0.04mm)
  • > than 0.05mm (SM minimum)
  • <= 0.85% of nozzle diameter

Line width

  • >= 120% of nozzle diameter

Wall/Shell Thickness

  • >= line width
  • multiple of nozzle diameter