G Code for Bed Level Visualizer

Trying to get Bed Level Visualizer working.

I have M420 V for my GCode

And here is what was received from the terminal…

Still not getting an image…

Recv: 0 +6.14625 +6.17176 +6.19727 +6.21375 +6.21926 +6.21574 +6.20000 +6.16528 +6.11833 +6.07625 +6.04634 +6.02130 +5.99625
Recv: 1 +6.15926 +6.19156 +6.22386 +6.24648 +6.25739 +6.25863 +6.24667 +6.21572 +6.17157 +6.12806 +6.09000 +6.05257 +6.01514
Recv: 2 +6.17227 +6.21136 +6.25044 +6.27921 +6.29552 +6.30152 +6.29333 +6.26616 +6.22481 +6.17986 +6.13365 +6.08384 +6.03403
Recv: 3 +6.16625 +6.21042 +6.25458 +6.28750 +6.30625 +6.31375 +6.30750 +6.28445 +6.24764 +6.20375 +6.15264 +6.09444 +6.03625
Recv: 4 +6.12995 +6.17677 +6.22358 +6.25727 +6.27256 +6.27472 +6.26653 +6.24867 +6.22044 +6.18250 +6.13183 +6.07145 +6.01107
Recv: 5 +6.07463 +6.12238 +6.17012 +6.20259 +6.21146 +6.20504 +6.19306 +6.18073 +6.16283 +6.13333 +6.08636 +6.02779 +5.96921
Recv: 6 +6.01500 +6.06246 +6.10991 +6.14125 +6.14662 +6.13588 +6.12250 +6.11421 +6.10329 +6.08000 +6.03699 +5.98162 +5.92625
Recv: 7 +5.95907 +6.00484 +6.05060 +6.08158 +6.08906 +6.08175 +6.07097 +6.06323 +6.05200 +6.02912 +5.98796 +5.93514 +5.88232
Recv: 8 +5.89884 +5.94169 +5.98453 +6.01523 +6.02776 +6.02814 +6.02236 +6.01365 +5.99878 +5.97407 +5.93503 +5.88615 +5.83727
Recv: 9 +5.82500 +5.86468 +5.90435 +5.93500 +5.95333 +5.96264 +5.96375 +5.95671 +5.94148 +5.91875 +5.88625 +5.84625 +5.80625
Recv: 10 +5.72991 +5.76642 +5.80292 +5.83384 +5.85830 +5.87717 +5.88750 +5.88704 +5.87804 +5.86435 +5.84569 +5.82234 +5.79898
Recv: 11 +5.62120 +5.65430 +5.68739 +5.71880 +5.75014 +5.77981 +5.80125 +5.81000 +5.81052 +5.80968 +5.80928 +5.80751 +5.80574
Recv: 12 +5.51250 +5.54218 +5.57185 +5.60375 +5.64199 +5.68245 +5.71500 +5.73296 +5.74301 +5.75500 +5.77287 +5.79269 +5.81250

Try thecking the “use relative Z-offsets” checkbox

Thank You! I ended up going to another browser and it worked fine. Found out in Chrome I have to enable WebGL in order for it to work!

Does anyone know what it “should” look like in Bed Visualizer in OctoPrint?

I wouldn’t necessarily say this is how it should look, but this is how mine looks

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how can you perform a 11x11 grid bed leveling with BV?

G1029P7 ;Grid 3x3 5x5 11x11
G1029A ;leveling;
G1029S ;save data;
G1029D0 ;end leveling
M420V ;get data

that’s the g-code im using do I have to take out the other grids (3x3 5x5) ?

this is how mine looks

Thank you! After using this app for 4 months and not being able to figure out my error, this was it! Nice to FINALLY see my bed’s mesh!

Change that to

G1029P11 ;Grid 3x3 5x5 11x11

The number after P is the number of points to use.

anyone know what gcode to use for the dual extruder module (no for retrieving the mesh data, but for initiating the bed leveling itself on a 11x11 grid?)

Or how I could go about determining this, not sure if there’s a way to view what gcode is being sent to the controller.

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G28 ;home
M190 S90 ; wait for bed temp
;Auto Level
G1029 P11 ;set 11x11 leveling mesh
G1029 A ;start leveling

Then manual z offset via touchscreen

Then connect back with luban and

G1029S ;save calibration
G1029D0 ;finish calibration
M140 S0 ;turn off bed heater

This is complete procedure with g-code for 11x11 calibration. I didn’t see anything specific in g-code reference for SM2.0. so it should work with double.

Yes this is what I tried, and the output:

Recv: ok
Send: G1029 P11
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: X:52 - 28
Recv: Y:43 - 30
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: Set grid size : 11
Recv: ok
Send: G1029 A
Recv: cannot do auto leveling without 3DP
Recv: ok
Send: G1029S
Recv: nozzle height: -234.000
Recv: echo:Settings Stored (1185 bytes; crc 39524)
Recv: ok
Send: G1029D0
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: ok
Send: M140 S0
Recv: new B target temp: 0
Recv: ok
Send: G28
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: Apply hotend[0] Z offset: 0.00
Recv: X:-32.00 Y:335.00 Z:50.00 E:14.91 Count X:0 Y:57566 Z:134542 B:0
Recv: ok

it seems something else is necessary for the new module.

I see. It looks like firmware issue.

ecv: cannot do auto leveling without 3DP

Dual extruder is not being recognized as 3DP toolhead. I guess you tried 5x5 with the same result?

@Riskey should be able to shine some light on this.
Or open a ticket - Support Ticket Form

Ran into this too, submitted an issue.

Thanks! subscribed to the github issue

Issues at the GitHub are less effective then tickets submitted via form I posted.
According to - Discussion of Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Updates - #690 by Riskey

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When I do the 11x11 leveling when I come to calibrate with the touch screen I can’t do it accurately. I can’t go down .05mm.

Thanks, also opened a ticket, and referenced the github issue.

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That is not my experience, I’m able to use any increments for Z, when doing 11x11 leveling. Maybe check your firmware for updates?

when you do the 11x11 calibration which option do you go to? calibration or just control? because when I start the calibration from the computer and then I go to calibration for the z offset, it starts the auto leveling again with the 5x5. I have v1.15.23

for 11x11 calibration you have to use g-code I posted here - G Code for Bed Level Visualizer - #30 by nweolu
I’m on 1.15.23 firmware too, so there should be no difference. Unless you’ve updated your firmware wihtout 3dp toolhead attached.