anyone know what gcode to use for the dual extruder module (no for retrieving the mesh data, but for initiating the bed leveling itself on a 11x11 grid?)
Or how I could go about determining this, not sure if there’s a way to view what gcode is being sent to the controller.
G28 ;home
M190 S90 ; wait for bed temp
;Auto Level
G1029 P11 ;set 11x11 leveling mesh
G1029 A ;start leveling
Then manual z offset via touchscreen
Then connect back with luban and
G1029S ;save calibration
G1029D0 ;finish calibration
M140 S0 ;turn off bed heater
This is complete procedure with g-code for 11x11 calibration. I didn’t see anything specific in g-code reference for SM2.0. so it should work with double.
Recv: ok
Send: G1029 P11
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: X:52 - 28
Recv: Y:43 - 30
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: Set grid size : 11
Recv: ok
Send: G1029 A
Recv: cannot do auto leveling without 3DP
Recv: ok
Send: G1029S
Recv: nozzle height: -234.000
Recv: echo:Settings Stored (1185 bytes; crc 39524)
Recv: ok
Send: G1029D0
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: ok
Send: M140 S0
Recv: new B target temp: 0
Recv: ok
Send: G28
Recv: leveling OFF
Recv: leveling ON
Recv: Apply hotend[0] Z offset: 0.00
Recv: X:-32.00 Y:335.00 Z:50.00 E:14.91 Count X:0 Y:57566 Z:134542 B:0
Recv: ok
it seems something else is necessary for the new module.
when you do the 11x11 calibration which option do you go to? calibration or just control? because when I start the calibration from the computer and then I go to calibration for the z offset, it starts the auto leveling again with the 5x5. I have v1.15.23
for 11x11 calibration you have to use g-code I posted here - G Code for Bed Level Visualizer - #30 by nweolu
I’m on 1.15.23 firmware too, so there should be no difference. Unless you’ve updated your firmware wihtout 3dp toolhead attached.