G Code for Bed Level Visualizer

yes this is the code i am using. what section do you go to in the touch screen because when I go to calibration it restarts the calibration with the 5x5 and if I go to control I cannot go down more than .1mm which is not very precise

I’m in the middle of a big print. Once it’s done, I’ll go ahead and do the 11x11 to give you precise info on how it goes on my side.

Me the other way that I found is to start a manual calibration and once arrived at the first point I switch on the pc and I start the command line for the 11x11

Hey sorry it took me a while.
So I just run the 11x11.
Running first portion of commands via luban, after

G1029 A

I waited until it settled in the center waiting for the z-offset calibration.
I hit the disconnect button on the touchscreen, this took me to regular controls, where I set the z-offset. 0.1, 1 and 10mm increments availible.
After adjusting Z, I hit the connect button in Luban and continued with second part of the commands.
Calibration complete.
Is this not your case?

no because I was afraid that its “scrap” to disconnect during the leveling. so i was going to leveling first on the touchscreen and once at the first point (in manual mode) i connect with octoprint or pronterface and run the 11x11. by doing that I find myself on the touch screen with the leveling controls so I can do .5mm .1mm and .05mm. Also I can be more specific.

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One thing I found useful after first layer test is G1029 D##
Where ## is number in mm to adjust offset for the mesh. To fine tune without going through calibration over and over.

Anybody having issues with this sequence with 1.19 firmware?
Mine freezes after the last command for some reason. And I can’t save z-offset anymore.